Contact Hollema Rentalbusiness
By telephone you can reach us at number 00.31.511.539213.
You can also write an e-mail to
How to reach us by car
N31 Leeuwarden – Drachten, exit Garyp/Earnewâld.
End exit turn right, direction Earnewâld.
At the end of this road turn left, direction Earnewâld.
After passing the village sign “Earnewâld” take the first street left (=Tsjerkepaed).
Parking is possible behind the church and at the small car parking behind Ds. Van der Veenweg 9.
Opening hours
Hollema Rentalbusiness is open from April 15th until October 31st from 09.00 until 18.00 o’clock. On Sundays from 10.00 until 18.00 o‘clock. In the winterperiod we are only open at request.
Hollema Rentalbusiness
Tsjerkepaed 5
9264 TG Earnewâld
Phone: 00.31.511.539213